You don’t have to see much of ron galella’s work to understand how harmful it is to photography as an art. It’s people like him who give photographers a bad name. Ron Galella is one of the most famous paparazzi photographers out there. His work is nothing special, essentially stalking different celebrities as they do every day average citizen things. I love candid photos but these candid photos are done all wrong. They use stalking as a method of taking the picture and the celebrities can do nothing about it, they are powerless against the paparazzi. I do not care where a celebrity is shopping for their groceries, I do not care where they went on vacation nor do I care who they are cheating on who with. Since Ron Galella was one of the earliest successful paparazzi I blame people like him for Americas obsession with celebrities. Yes I do understand that people “know what they are getting into” when they become a celebrity, but I do believe that some people do it just for their passion for acting not for the fame and the glory. The fact that it has become normal and acceptable for people to chase down famous people such as princess Dianna and kill them since they can not escape means that our world has gone too far. Photography should be an art, it should take time and have meaning. The only meaning behind these photos is money and a sick obsession with actors, actresses, athletes, and heiresses.
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