The images vary in size when on display but each of them are powerful regardless of how they are printed. Each subject significantly relates to the other but each are the focus of their own. It is almost to the point that you can not look away but you feel desperate to as well. The series is strange and creepy but it also stands out, make you remember her.
Even her other work holds true to making an impact on the viewer. Keira also has done wedding and other side work but her sense of hold the camera and finding the beauty is not the traditional comerical shots. She aways a new life to enter traditional photo's.

i actually met this photographer the other day at a art exhibit downtown. i found her photo to be highly creative given the parameters she was had to work with. within this exhibit everyone was to submit to submit work with the consistent theme of the color yellow. it was a great display of artistry but her photos had to have been my favorite. especially the photo of the women being kidnapped by a someone wear yellow dish washing gloves. it was comical and daring. i would love to see more of her work in the future and hopefully one day be as talented as her.