Philippe Halsmen had a wonderful imagination. This shows through most of his work on many different levels. He can show his playful side in photo collections such as the Dali Atomicus, where he used different techniques to hold up furniture around the room to make it appear as if it were levitating. He even has a reative side as to use naked women to create a skull shape with Salvador Dali again another photographer that would be good to base an imagined reality project off of. He is more famously known for his work with Time magazine and his portrait work. He is really able to get into the minds of the people he is photographing and this is really evident in the photograph of Salvador Dali who is most famous for his surrealist art work. Dali would paint things to appear in ways that you know they couldn’t actually appear one of his most famous works is The Persistence of Memory and it features drooping clocks in the desert. Halsmen was able to paint a beautiful canvas with just women in a way you would never think to paint women or that women could be used to create an actual object.
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